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Driver distractions of all types are responsible for many collisions. However, using a cell phone to read, create, or send text messages is among the most common causes of severe and deadly crashes nationwide. This reckless action causes nearly as many fatal crashes each year as intoxicated driving.
You have a right to hold the driver accountable if you suffered harm in a car crash because of someone else’s negligence. An attorney who has experience handling cases resulting from texting while driving car accidents in Goose Creek can help you obtain the monetary damages you deserve.
Using cell phones while operating motor vehicles, along with other distractions, significantly increases the risk of crashes. Throughout the years, researchers have consistently linked texting or pressing multiple buttons on a smartphone with life-threatening and fatal collisions that result in life-altering consequences.
According to ongoing studies and information provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, distractions—particularly the use of cell phones while driving—lead to thousands of deaths on the roads and highways nationwide every year. While most distractions fall within manual, visual, or cognitive categories, texting requires all three.
This means that texting is among the most dangerous and severe threats to public safety. Not to mention that using wireless communication devices to text is illegal throughout South Carolina and most of the country. During an initial consultation, a car crash lawyer skilled in handling cases involving texting while driving in Goose Creek can help answer specific questions about state traffic and civil laws and the process of seeking reimbursement for your losses.
Building a strong case to establish that the other driver was at fault for the collision and responsible for the damages is necessary in order to collect monetary damages. A lawyer with experience in handling cases resulting from texting while driving car wrecks can investigate and complete a thorough analysis to find the cause and person responsible for the accident in Goose Creek.
When texting is involved, the attorney may request the defendant’s cell phone records, use police officer reports, and gather witness statements. The claim must show that the driver was texting and that their actions while driving were a direct cause of the roadway event and your subsequent losses.
The court awards damages based on the specifics of the case, such as the responsible party’s actions and the severity of your injuries and losses. Some damages that may arise from a car accident involving texting while driving in Goose Creek include:
The civil court usually breaks the settlement or damages award for car crash injury claims into two parts. The first part is for the economic (or monetary) out-of-pocket expenses. The second part is for the non-economic (or subjective) losses people sustain due to collisions caused by negligence.
Texting while driving an automobile is a roadway hazard, and the number of vehicle crashes linked to this action continues to increase. Therefore, texting while driving is unlawful in most states across the country, including in South Carolina.
A payout for your damages and losses can cover your medical care, lost salary and benefits, and other expenses you may have while you focus on recovering from your injuries. Contact Miller|Conway today to learn more about your legal rights and options after a texting while driving car accident in Goose Creek.