Happy 50th Birthday Goose Creek
Exerpts taken from the Post and Courier (Monday, May 2, 2011)
There are plenty of reasons Goose Creek is one of the fastest growing communities in the tri-county area. Goose Creek (a/k/a Goose Vegas) is a family-friendly town (the largest in Berkeley County) that offers a comfortable suburban lifestyle, enhanced by its recreational focus.
Mayor Michael Heitzler, a friend of Miller|Conway, says one important thing has not changed over the years: “Goose Creekers are still upwardly mobile people who have confidence in themselves.” During this firm’s brief time in Goose Creek our lawyers have become enamored with our community and see great things coming for Goose Creek and its citizens.
Residents come from all over the country, and the world. They represent 42 different ethnic groups and have chosen Goose Creek as their home. While more and more retirees are moving to the Lowcountry to escape cold weather and high taxes, the majority of the folks who live in Goose Creek still get up in the mornings, drive to North Charleston or Charleston to work and enjoy their quiet, safe neighborhoods afterward.
But Goose Creek’s leaders, including the Mayor and city planner Daniel Ben-Yisrael, envision more. The town is midway through a $15 million project to enhance the downtown area. They have new parks in the works and have built miles of biking and hiking paths with plans for miles more to enable people in every subdivision to hike or bike to a commercial center.
Even the economic downturn didn’t slow Goose Creek’s population growth. In 10 years, it grew 33 percent from 29,000 to 40,000, and is quickly on the way to becoming one of the state’s most populous cities.
That is a positive commentary for a place that was, for years, little more than a stop on the railroad. Goose Creek is a place that has become a Lowcountry success story. Miller|Conway, Goose Creek lawyers, look forward to being a part of the town’s continued success and prosperity.
Happy 50th Birthday, Goose Creek from Goose Creek lawyers Miller|Conway.